Bellow are 9 bux sites.These bux sites are paying for more then six months and trust able and you can also join them to multiply earning but its not advisable to join all of them at once that make work little hard and bore.But you can earn unlimited from them with little hard work and proper strategy
1- bigdollarbux Min payout 4$
Ref limit: unlimited (10% Of Ref earning)
To join
1- Click here and get "register now".
2- Fill the details & click continue.
3- Open a new window or tab & login to your email inbox.
4- Click on activation link to finish registration.
To earn money
1- Login & "View Advertisements".
2- You will get credited after 3-30 seconds.
3- View the remaining ads the same way
This site has a feature you can simply rent referrals and multiply your earning many times. This is useful for people who are not able get direct referrals.
Similarly you can join these two sister sites of clixsis
2- bigeurobux 3--Biglevelbux
Min payout 10€ Min payout 4$
Ref limit: 55 (10% Of Ref earning) Ref limit: unlimited (10% Of Ref earning)
These five sites are own by same owner have min payout 10$ and you can earn 10% of ref earning as standard member
4- tviptc 5- Powerfulbux
6-Foreverbux 7-Buxsecure
In same way you can join these 2 sites
11-earnsomemoneytoday 12-bulletbux
Min payout 5$ Min payout 10$